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Subtilis Design

C/ Callao de Lima, 39

Local Bajo

38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain


santa cruz de tenerife

Subtilis is a multi-faceted experience design firm that specializes in the creation of content-rich environments. 


A design consultancy That Works Across Mediums.

Subtilis is a multi-faceted experience design firm that specializes in the creation of content-rich environments. Working across borders, mediums, and scales, Subtilis brings fresh insights to our clients' projects.


1. fine, thin, slender (orig. of fabric) 2. precise, accurate, keen 3. subtle, equiv. to sub- + -tilis, from tela ‘web’ and texere ‘to weave’ (root *teks-). From texere: text, context, from *teks-: architect, tectonics, technology